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James Marks Academy home page

James Marks Academy


Statement of Provision

Introductory statement

The James Marks Academy is a day, co-educational special school for pupils whose primary, or main presenting needs, relate to their mental health as a result of high anxiety.

The James Marks Academy curriculum is based on a mainstream model.  The justification for this is it provides our pupils with breadth of access to a range of subjects, which will then allow for a seamless return to mainstream, during years 7-9, should individual pupil’s mental health improve to the extent that they feel able too. Once a pupil starts year 10, the expectation is they will remain in the academy for at least the next two years, to provide them with the greatest chance of success, in examinations at the end of year 11.

Subjects taught will include English, Maths, Science, Humanities, PSHE, Business, ICT, Music, Economics, Technology, Art and PE. A therapeutic curriculum will run alongside the traditional curriculum and will include, but is not restricted to, self-knowledge, horticulture, counselling, character development, life/social skills, drama and sport.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure we are able to address pupil’s individual special educational needs; needs which are likely to have led to low self-esteem, high anxiety and poor previous attendance.

We believe our diverse, inclusive and targeted curriculum will support a smooth transition to employment, training or further education, as a result of equipping our pupils with the skills, knowledge and self-belief so they become happy, socially aware and economically active, successful young adults and reach their full potential.  


Admissions to the School

The James Marks Academy is a special school which provides 60 places for children of both sexes in the age range 11-19 with SEMH needs, with the emphasis on mental health and high anxiety. In the words of the LA ‘those pupils for whom a traditional SEMH school would be inappropriate’.

For a child to be admitted, the school must be named, by a local authority, in the child’s education health and care plan.

Parents wishing their children to benefit from our provision should ask their local authority to name our school in their child’s EHCP.

A local authority can also refer a child to the school, to be assessed for an EHCP plan, or following a change in the child’s circumstances for his or her needs to be assessed, or reassessed. Any assessment should be completed within the 20 weeks set out in the SEND Code of Practice.

Children being assessed for an EHCP will be dual registered and return, full time, to their mainstream school if the LA decides not to issue an EHCP.


For further information on our school, and the process for obtaining a place here contact

Kristina Martin

Provision Coordinator | Statutory SEND team | Integrated Services for Learning

Hertfordshire County Council

Postal Point: AP1108,

Hertfordshire County Council,

Apsley 1, Brindley Way,

Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9BF


T: Statutory SEND Duty Line - 01442 453300



Other school policies and further information can be found via these links:

Special Educational Needs Information Report;

Curriculum Offer;

Complaints Policy;

Equality, Diversity & Accessibility Policy;

Safeguarding Policy;

Child Protection Policy;

GDPR Policies and Privacy Notices;

Autism Approach;


James Marks Academy home page

James Marks


Contact Us

Roman Fields
11 Box Lane
Hemel Hempstead

