"I was especially amazed at the individual attention my son was receiving and the plans that were put in place to make sure he felt comfortable and that his needs were met. I am also amazed at the attention to detail and the brilliant support he has received both in pastoral care and academically." - Parent's Letter to Head Teacher, 2018
At James Marks Academy, all pupils are offered a broad, balanced, stimulating and relevant curriculum regardless of their background, culture or ability. Each pupil is valued for who they are and what they bring to the provision. We appreciate and celebrate the richness of diversity within the provision community as well as the wider community. Through the work we do across the provision on developing values, we actively promote the importance of tolerance, co-operation, courage, determination, friendship and respect. Through this approach, pupils develop independence, confidence and integrity which prepares them for their future lives.
Equality Aims:
Close the gap in performance between different groups of learners.
The attainment of different groups of learners (however small), is scrutinised rigorously, e.g. Looked After Children, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils, different categories of SEND, learners with English as an additional language, learners eligible for FSM and PP.
This is monitored through:
- Data Collection and analysis
- Learner target-setting arrangements
- Learner targets in exercise books
- Pupil Progress meetings
- Evaluation of Interventions
- All aspects of the curriculum (including activities and events that embody our commitment to equality).
Encourage learners to recognise, challenge and report different forms of bullying, prejudice, racism, stereotypes, injustice and inequality.
The curriculum teaches diversity, facilitates an understanding of multiple identities, and challenges stereotyping. This is evidenced in and monitored through:
- Schemes of work
- Lesson plans
- Resources and materials which are routinely monitored to ensure they reflect inclusivity and equality
- Curriculum mapping - to ensure that diversity is embedded not just in PHSE, humanities, English literature, music and drama but across the whole curriculum.
Ensure that all members of staff access continuous professional development and guidance in Diversity.
This is evidenced through:
- Details of the provision’s CPD programme
- Record of staff briefings
- Record of staff attendance at relevant local, regional and national conferences
- Relevant details of the induction programme for new members of staff
- Induction programme evaluation forms or feedback
The school’s commitment to equality is communicated to all members of the extended provision community including staff, governors, learners, parents/carers and visitors, in a variety of ways. This comprises of the inclusion of our Equalities statement in all provision policies, feedback to the Trust Board, amongst a variety of other things. We welcome comments from families and encourage participation in supporting pupils to explore, what can be, potentially sensitive issues.